G4(MP2) theory - saving some time over G4

G4(MP2) is a more economical version of G4 theory, in which the effects of basis set extension are obtained from calculations at MP2 level. This is closely similar to the difference between G3 and G3(MP2) theory. The G4(MP2) energy at 0 degree Kelvin E0(G4MP2) is defined as:

E0(G4MP2) = E[CCSD(T,FC)/6-31G(d)//B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p)]
        + DE(G3MP2largeXP)
        + DE(HF)
        + DE(HLC)
        + ZPE
        + DE(SO)

The definition of the components being:

DE(G3MP2largeXP) = E[MP2(FC)/G3MP2largeXP//B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p)] - E[MP2(FC)/6-31G(d)//B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p)]

DE(HF) = E[RHF/limit] - E[RHF/G3MP2largeXP]
The Hartree-Fock energy at basis set limit E[RHF/limit] is obtained from two separate RHF calculations using a two-point extrapolation formula:

E[RHF/limit] = (E[RHF/mod-aug-cc-pVQZ] - E[RHF/mod-aug-cc-pVTZ] exp(-alpha)) / (1 - exp(-alpha))

with alpha = 1.63; the mod-aug-cc-pVQZ and mod-aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets used here are modified versions of the standard aug-cc-pVQZ and aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets. The type of modification depends on the element at hand.

HLC correction for closed-shell molecules:
DE(HLC) = -An(beta)
                     A = 9.472 mHartrees,
                     n(beta) = number of valence electron pairs;

HLC correction for open-shell molecules:
DE(HLC) = -A'n(beta) - B(n(alpha) - n(beta))
                     A' = 9.769 mHartrees; B = 3.102 mHartrees;
                     n(alpha) = no. of alpha valence electrons; n(beta) = no. of beta valence electrons, always assuming n(alpha) > n(beta);

HLC correction for atoms (neutral and charged):
DE(HLC) = -Cn(beta) - D(n(alpha) - n(beta))
                     C = 9.741 mHartrees; D = 2.115 mHartrees;
                     n(alpha) = no. of alpha valence electrons; n(beta) = no. of beta valence electrons, always assuming n(alpha) > n(beta);

HLC correction for molecules with a single valence pair of s electrons:
DE(HLC) = -2.379 mHartrees

ZPE = ZPE[B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p)], scaling frequencies by 0.9854

The necessary energies can be calculated most efficiently in the following sequence:



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