Getting Started with Linux

In case you have managed to log in successfully with the correct user name and password,
you will see the (default) GNOME desktop of the Ubuntu LINUX distribution in front
of you. The most important part of this desktop is the panel at the top of the screen.
At the far left of this panel are the main menu entries "Anwendungen" and "System". From
there you will have access to all of the basic programs we will need during the course.
The most important tools we will use during the course are as follows:

1) Starting the Firefox web browser
All of the documentation for the computational chemistry class (including the one your are
reading right now) as well as a multitude of information on computational and theoretical
chemistry available in the internet requires a web browser. The one we will be using in this
class is called Firefox and can be started as follows: a) go to the "Anwendungen" menu;
b) select the "Internet" option; c) from the list of available programs select the "Firefox" browser.

2) Starting a shell window
Most of the things we will do during the class requires a line-oriented command interface
or "shell". We can access such a shell as follows: a) go to the "Anwendungen" menu;
b) select the "Zubehör" option; c) select "Terminal".

Open shell windows can be closed by either typing "exit" on the command line, or by pushing
the small "X"-button in the upper right corner of the window.

Frequently used programs can also be accessed through symbols located on the GNOME panel.
You can add symbols to the panel by positioning the mouse point on the panel, pushing the right
mouse button, select "Zum Panel hinzufügen .." from the pop-up window, then
"Anwendungsstarter .." and finally select "Firefox" from the list of Internet programs.

Finally, you should log out from your computer at the end of the class using the "Abmelden" option
at the bottom of the "System" menu. Please, after logging out, DON'T SWITCH OFF THE COMPUTER!!!